External Advisors

The GreenME project has established an Advisory Board comprising two residents, two members of the administration, and two external scientists.

This diverse composition ensures a comprehensive perspective that encompasses community voices, administrative insights, and scientific expertise. The primary role of the GreenME advisory board is to provide specialised guidance on key aspects of the project.

This includes:

  • Advising on the co-creation methodology aimed at empowering green care actors.
  • Strategising optimal methods for disseminating findings and outputs to relevant stakeholders.
  • Overseeing the development of a robust Data Management Plan.

By leveraging the collective wisdom and experience of its members, the advisory board will play a crucial role in steering the GreenME project towards its objectives of foster just, climate-resilient, and sustainable healthy communities.

Advisory Board

Alistair Griffiths

External Scientist

Royal Horticultural Society

Mattias Sandberg


The Swedish Forest Agency

Katarzyna Łaziuk


Minsk Mazowiecki Municipality

Ania Balducci

Freelance Practitioner and Professor

University of Bologna

Jill Litt

External Scientist


Kathryn Rossiter


Independent Consultant

Ethics Advisor

Constantin Vica

Ethics Advisor

University of Bucharest