Kick-Off Meeting: GreenME Project sets ambitious goals in Barcelona

The GreenME Horizon Europe project is holding its official kick-off meeting in Barcelona from January 29 to 31, 2024. The three-day event promises to be a dynamic platform for the consortium partners to discuss, strategise, and align their efforts towards achieving the ambitious goals of the project.

The rich agenda for the kick-off meeting includes the participation of key figures, most notably, the Project Officer, Patrizia Tenerelli, who serves as a Project Advisor at the Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission. Tenerelli’s insights and guidance will play a pivotal role in steering the project towards success.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for Work Package (WP) leaders to provide updates on the current status of their respective tasks, highlighting both successes and challenges encountered thus far. This comprehensive overview will facilitate a collective understanding of the project’s progress and potential hurdles.

A significant aspect of the kick-off meeting is the anticipated interaction with sister projects, RESONATE and NatureLAB, under the broader theme of mental health, nature, and sustainability. The exchange of ideas and collaboration among these projects is expected to foster innovation and synergies that will contribute to the overall success of the GreenME initiative.

The Research Synergies workshop, scheduled during the kick-off meeting, will see dynamic exchanges with coordinators from other scientific projects, namely BlueHealth, GoGreenRoutes, Dr. FOREST, and PHENOTYPE. This workshop aims to identify best practices and address challenges collectively, fostering a collaborative spirit among the scientific community working towards a sustainable and inclusive society.

One of the highlights of the event is the “Get-to-Know the Team” activities and outdoor nature-based exercises, including the Nature-based Mandala activity. These initiatives are designed to create a strong sense of unity and collaboration among the consortium partners. The outdoor exercises are not only geared towards team building but also align with the project’s overarching theme of nature-based solutions.

As the GreenME Horizon Europe project sets out on its four-year journey, the kick-off meeting in Barcelona lays the foundation for a collaborative and impactful initiative. With the active participation of project leaders, coordinators, and stakeholders, the meeting is expected to shape the trajectory of the GreenME project, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future for Europe and beyond.